For investigators

Thank you for your interest in PRIMERO!

The purpose of this study is to identify viral, genetic, and airway transcriptomic determinants of respiratory diseases of the first years of life to better understand the relationship between these diseases and the development of asthma in childhood. Our longitudinal birth cohort [1] will be the largest prospective study of minority infants, [2] will provide critical novel information on genetic/viral risk factors for severe respiratory disease, and [3] will identify airway endotypes that Children at high risk for asthma exhibit at birth and after a respiratory illness, but before asthma onset.

Recruitment Strategy

Recruitment began before the baby was born, in the OB/GYN offices of the HIMA San Pablo Hospitals in Puerto Rico. Mothers received information packets at prenatal visits, were assessed for eligibility, and gave prepartum consent for sample collection and participation in the five-year study. At the time of the baby's birth, the baby's eligibility was assessed and cord blood samples were collected. Before the mother was discharged from the hospital, the study staff obtained reaffirmation consent and a questionnaire and provided a study packet. Peripheral blood was taken from the mother and nasal samples from the infant. All samples at birth were processed at CNP and shipped to UCSF and NJH for further processing and storage. The baby will be followed by PRIMERO staff for the first five years with annual visits and weekly contact for the first two years to assess for respiratory diseases.